Get A Personal Loan For Your Child Tax Benefit In BC

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BC Child Tax Benefit Loans

According to StatsCan, it costs $250,000 to raise a child until they’re 18! And that’s without investing in some kind of robot nanny to do the work for you.

Sadly, banks are uncaring, stingy lenders. And payday loan companies will lend to anyone because of their out-of-control interest rates.

Magical Credit is a reasonable high-risk lender with a fixed monthly interest rate of 3.9%. We also provide childcare & child tax benefit loans in BC, allowing you to leverage your monthly child benefit payments into loans for up to $20,000!

Need an online loan for child tax credits, but are unsure of the terms? Calculate your monthly loan repayment schedule with our personal loan calculator!

I want to borrow:


Why Get A Child Tax Benefit Loan In BC?

  • Dentist – Fact: your children don’t brush properly, and they eat too much candy. Leverage your BC child tax benefit into a Magical Credit cash loan, and the dentist can teach them all about oral health!
  • Camp – Is your lack of money keeping your kids indoors all summer? Our direct deposit loans in BC will cover what your paycheck can’t, so don’t let your kids miss out on BC’s majestic outdoors.
  • Daycare/Afterschool Programs – Home is filled with digital distractions. Get your kids out of the house and putting that energy to good use. Take out a cash loan for child tax credit in BC to fund after-school activities!
  • Appliance Repair & Replacement – Toasters tend to break when your 4-year-old puts a goldfish inside of them. Keep everything running smoothly with our child care loans!

BC Child Tax Benefit Loans FAQs

Do you provide loans on child tax benefits to bad credit applicants?

Yes –  Magical Credit specializes in bad credit applicants. We don’t solely weigh credit score, but your overall report of credit. By receiving at least $600/month via direct deposit, you can be eligible for an online loan in BC!

Can I still be considered for a child tax benefit loan in BC if I’m unemployed?

Employment is not a must for a Magical Credit next-day loan application. We accept traditional and non-traditional forms of income!  Of course, you can receive cash loans on child tax credits- but you can also borrow when collecting EI, CPP, pensions, or maternity benefits.

How much do you lend?

Receive cash loans on child tax credits anywhere between $500 and $20,000.

What do I need to apply?

In order to apply, you need the following:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Valid chequing account
  • Proof of income
  • Valid ID
  • SIN
Where are you located?

Magical Credit provides loans for child tax benefits in BC, from our headquarters in Toronto.

Need an emergency loan, but aren’t sure you can keep up with the loan repayment terms? Calculate your monthly loan payment schedule with our short-term, personal loan calculator!


Magical Installment Loans: We offer installment loans in the amount of $1,500- $20,000 that have a 12-60 month term with an APR of 19.99% min - 35% max. On $1,500 borrowed for a 1-year term at 2.9% per month, the total cost of borrowing is $525.00. The total amount to be paid back with interest is $2,025.00. AB License #349796 and BC License #83626

NOTE: Our installment loans are open, so you can pay off your loan at any time with no penalty. You will only pay interest up to the date you pay it off.

Magical Cash Loans - Ontario, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon Residents only: We offer Magical Cash Loans in the amount of $100-$1,500.00. The cost of borrowing is $14.00 per $100.00 for each $100.00 borrowed. On a $1,000.00 loan for 14 days, the cost of borrowing is $140.00. The total to payback is $1,140.00 which is an annual percentage rate of 365.00%. ON License #4741412. BC License#85919.

The Loan must be paid in full by the end of the term, with no extensions or exceptions, and no automatic renewals. Failure to pay your debt on time will impact your future credit with Magical Credit Inc. and other credit lenders. All delinquencies will be reported to the Credit Bureaus.

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