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How to Increase Your Chances of Being Approved for a Loan

by Vinicius Rocha

How to Increase Your Chances of Being Approved for a Loan

When considering whether or not to approve someone for a loan, lenders will often have certain factors they consider regarding potential borrowers, including analyzing their credit scores and assessing their income levels.

Therefore, improving your credit score is an important step toward obtaining potential approval from lenders. Luckily there are a number of strategies you can implement in order to increase your chances of qualifying for a loan.

Understand Your Credit Score

Understanding your credit score can provide you with insight into how likely you are to be approved for a loan, as a good credit score demonstrates that you have handled borrowing and repaying debt responsibly in the past. This can help lenders feel more confident about offering you loans with favourable terms.

Having accurate information about your current debts will also help you make better decisions when applying for a potential loan - knowing what type of debt you currently owe, along with associated interest rates, can help you decide whether or not applying for another loan would benefit you financially.

Pay Down Existing Debt

Reducing your existing debt is another important factor to consider when increasing your chances of being approved for a loan, as it can show lenders that you are able to manage and pay off your debts successfully, as well as demonstrate that you have the capacity to take on more debt without becoming overwhelmed. When applying for a loan, be sure to include any details about current debts you owe - this will help lenders determine whether or not the loan amount you have requested is feasible.

It is also a good idea to make steady payments towards old debts over time, even if they are small amounts, as long-term, consistent payment behaviour will reflect positively on your credit score, and shows potential lenders that you are dependable.

Additionally, paying down existing debt can help reduce the total monthly cost of all of your loans by lowering interest rates, which can further increase the likelihood of your approval from potential lenders.

Research Different Types of Loan Programs

Another strong way to increase your chances of approval is to conduct some preliminary research into different types of loan programs. When carrying out this research, make sure to:

  • Analyze interest rates and repayment structures
  • Consider how long it will take to pay off your debts
  • Research potential tax savings from certain loans
  • Evaluate if additional fees or charges apply
  • Explore benefits associated with specific lenders

By researching the various types of loans available to you, you will be able to find options that fit your needs and offer you better terms. This will also help you ensure that you are choosing a lender that offers competitive rates, reliable customer service, and favourable borrower protections.

Improve Your Debt-To-Income Ratio

Your Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio refers to the percentage of your gross income that goes towards paying off debts such as credit cards, student loans, mortgages, and other recurring payments.

A low DTI indicates good financial health and suggests that borrowers are able to manage their current level of debt without too much difficulty. Meanwhile, a high DTI reflects financial instability or heavy reliance on borrowing, which may limit your ability to repay new loans.

To improve your DTI ratio, prioritize paying off existing debts in order to reduce your monthly expenses and help build up your savings over time, thereby providing a cushion if any unexpected costs arise during your repayment periods. Additionally, budgeting carefully can help you avoid unnecessary spending and mismanagement of resources, which could lead to further debt accumulation down the road.

Finally, seeking professional advice from qualified experts can provide you with valuable insight into more effective ways of managing your finances and improving your overall financial stability before applying for new loans.

The loan application process can be a stressful and intimidating experience. It is important to understand the criteria that lenders use to evaluate potential borrowers, and understanding these requirements can drastically increase your chances of approval.

At Magical Credit, our team of dedicated professionals is here to answer any questions you may have about loans. Reach out to a member of our team today to get the answers you need with the care and compassion you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does the Loan Application Process Usually Take?

The loan application process is an important step for anyone looking to receive a loan. This process can be overwhelming and time-consuming, but understanding its different stages can ultimately make your application process easier. When applying for a loan, consider the following steps for quicker success:

  1. Collect all paperwork: Before applying for your loan, understand which documents you need in order to prove your creditworthiness or income level. This could include tax returns, bank statements, employment records, etc.
  2. Fill out your application accurately: Once you have collected all the necessary documents, fill out your loan application completely and accurately. Make sure to provide valid contact information and answer any questions as honestly as possible.
  3. Expect delays: After submitting your loan application, don’t expect immediate results from the lender. Depending on their policies, it can take several days up to a few weeks before they respond with an approval or denial decision.

Is There a Maximum Amount I Can Borrow?

When searching for loan approval, it’s important to find out if there is a maximum amount you can borrow. For most lenders, your loan maximum will most likely depend on your credit score, your income level, and the collateral your lender has required from you.

Higher-income borrowers may also be able to take out larger loans, due to their greater ability to repay potential debts. Additionally, lenders often require certain types of assets or property in order to secure the loan, which could limit its size depending on what is provided as collateral.


Magical Installment Loans: We offer installment loans in the amount of $1,500- $20,000 that have a 12-60 month term with an APR of 19.99% min - 35% max. On $1,500 borrowed for a 1-year term at 2.9% per month, the total cost of borrowing is $525.00. The total amount to be paid back with interest is $2,025.00. AB License #349796 and BC License #83626

NOTE: Our installment loans are open, so you can pay off your loan at any time with no penalty. You will only pay interest up to the date you pay it off.

Magical Cash Loans - Ontario, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon Residents only: We offer Magical Cash Loans in the amount of $100-$1,500.00. The cost of borrowing is $14.00 per $100.00 for each $100.00 borrowed. On a $1,000.00 loan for 14 days, the cost of borrowing is $140.00. The total to payback is $1,140.00 which is an annual percentage rate of 365.00%. ON License #4741412. BC License#85919.

The Loan must be paid in full by the end of the term, with no extensions or exceptions, and no automatic renewals. Failure to pay your debt on time will impact your future credit with Magical Credit Inc. and other credit lenders. All delinquencies will be reported to the Credit Bureaus.

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